Saturday, December 20, 2008

He was a hairy bear, he was a scary bear

I'm on the ferry boat to MV. And I didn't expect to be. I feel pretty sick and it's ridiculously snowy out. So I decided to take a reprieve from my teen angst and go home. I am only staying for a few days (hope to be back by 26th to amherst). The last few days I've watched too many bad movies, used way too many tissue, eaten barely enough, smelt nothing, and become frustrated. But it's alright.

When I gave my ticket to the ferry man he gave me Dark Chocolate and said "Merry Christmas!". What if I was Jewish? I also don't like Dark chocolate but since I haven't eaten that much I had it. Bob and Aiden are picking me up. The novelty might wear off after a day. But yeah, at least I'll get some good reading/sleeping/nothing time.

I helped my housemate study for a latin test today and in the process became pretty good at Latin (having no experience). She asked if I could take the test for her. No, I can't.

I'm worried about my grades, but what is it worth now?

So many people going, so many people leaving. So many people with disappointing behavior. The tiny islands that I pass in the water look really beautiful right now.

Mike's mom and boyfriend drove me to the boat. It actually wasn't a bad ride. We talked about plows for three hours. Which oddly enough isn't a subject that annoys me. A woman not in my line of sight is emitting orgasm noises right now. Hope she's having a good "ferry" ride.

The other day I slept naked and it was really nice.

My house had a party that I didn't really attend. I heard it was an absolute disaster though. So if anything, being sick has been an excellent decision for my body.

I don't have an identity.

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